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A region
offering many different activities
Discover a region where one can never be bored! You may prefer walk or cycle, visit zoologic gardens or a charming marketplace, you will find the activity that best suits you.

Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne market
24 min
This market has been tagged "marché d’exception" at national level and was elected the most beautiful market of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region
Plus d'informations https://www.chatillon-sur-chalaronne.fr/Le-marche-du-samedi-matin.html.

The medieval city of Pérouges
24 min
Immerse yourself in the Middle-Ages by visiting this medieval city that was elected «Most beautiful village of France».
Visit is free and open all year long.

The royal monastery of Brou
39 min
An key monument of the city of Bourg-en-Bresse, turn back in time and discover this, unique in France, testament of majesty and love.
Plus d'informations http://www.monastere-de-brou.fr.

the village of the Holy Curé of Ars
12 min
Ars is a little village in la Dombes, which each year welcomes some 450 000 pilgrims and visitors from all over the world, following the steps of Jean-Marie Vianney. a simple priest who became Saint for his virtues of confessor and recognized miracles.
Plus d'informations http://ars-trevoux.com/fr/decouvrez/ars-ville-sanctuaire.

Le parc des oiseaux
13 min
Located in Villars-les-Dombes, it is regarded as one of the largest ornithological parks in Europe, come and discover over 3,000 bird species from all continents.
Plus d'informations https://www.parcdesoiseaux.com/.

Le parc de la Tête d'Or
37 min
The zoological garden shelters over 400 animals on an area of 8 hectares in the heart of the city of Lyon.
Plus d'informations https://www.loisirs-parcdelatetedor.com/.

Tree climbing
27 min
Le Domaine de la Dombes in Saint-Paul-de-Varax presents 5 tree-top adventure courses for children and adults, with a giant zip-line over a pond.
Plus d'informations https://domainedeladombes.com/activites/accrobranche.

39 min
Starting in the city of Pont d’Ain, l’Esquimaude proposes downriver trips on the Ain River, to the first swirls of the Rhône
Plus d'informations https://www.canoe01.fr/.

A huçul pony ride
5 min
Head out for half a day, a whole day or several days and discover the Dombes landscapes.
For experienced horseriders only.
Plus d'informations https://www.poneyhucul.fr.

9 min
The Little Fish Land Domain in Civrieux welcomes you for a playful initiation to fishing (starting at age 3) and provides all equipment. The site also includes: a miniature farm, paper-chases, nature trails…
Plus d'informations https://www.facebook.com/littlefishland.
Our outdoor swimming pool is heated and open from May to September, from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm.
Plus d'informations .

Have a good time with family or friends around a petanque!
Lots of balls are available at the hotel reception.
Plus d'informations .

Tennis & Padel
Extend your Sports experience at the Governor!
All hotel guests have free access to both courts upon reservation at the reception.
Plus d'informations .

Picnic by our ponds
2 min
Enjoy an idyllic picnic at the Domaine du Gouverneur!
Come and enjoy a unique outdoor experience by our ponds, in the heart of our nature trail. With family or friends, relax in a peaceful setting and enjoy the natural beauty that surrounds you while enjoying a delicious picnic.
Our teams are happy to prepare every detail so that you have an unforgettable time. And to perfect your experience, our chef has concocted gourmet and tasty dishes especially for you.
Plus d'informations https://domainedugouverneur.fr/download_file/944/0.

Club Junior - Le Petit Gouv'
sur place
Plus d'informations https://domainedugouverneur.fr/download_file/974/0 .

The medieval city of Pérouges
24 min
Immerse yourself in the Middle-Ages by visiting this medieval city that was elected «Most beautiful village of France». Visit is free and open all year long.

The royal monastery of Brou
39 min
An key monument of the city of Bourg-en-Bresse, turn back in time and discover this, unique in France, testament of majesty and love.
Plus d'informations http://www.monastere-de-brou.fr.

Le parc des oiseaux
13 min
Located in Villars-les-Dombes, it is regarded as one of the largest ornithological parks in Europe, come and discover over 3,000 bird species from all continents.
Plus d'informations https://www.parcdesoiseaux.com/.

Le parc de la Tête d'Or
37 min
The zoological garden shelters over 400 animals on an area of 8 hectares in the heart of the city of Lyon.
Plus d'informations https://www.loisirs-parcdelatetedor.com/.

the village of the Holy Curé of Ars
12 min
Ars is a little village in la Dombes, which each year welcomes some 450 000 pilgrims and visitors from all over the world, following the steps of Jean-Marie Vianney. a simple priest who became Saint for his virtues of confessor and recognized miracles.
Plus d'informations http://ars-trevoux.com/fr/decouvrez/ars-ville-sanctuaire.

Châtillon-sur-Chalaronne market
24 min
This market has been tagged "marché d’exception" at national level and was elected the most beautiful market of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region
Plus d'informations https://www.chatillon-sur-chalaronne.fr/Le-marche-du-samedi-matin.html.

39 min
Starting in the city of Pont d’Ain, l’Esquimaude proposes downriver trips on the Ain River, to the first swirls of the Rhône
Plus d'informations https://www.canoe01.fr/.

Tree climbing
27 min
Le Domaine de la Dombes in Saint-Paul-de-Varax presents 5 tree-top adventure courses for children and adults, with a giant zip-line over a pond.
Plus d'informations https://domainedeladombes.com/activites/accrobranche.

A huçul pony ride
5 min
Head out for half a day, a whole day or several days and discover the Dombes landscapes. For experienced horseriders only.
Plus d'informations https://www.poneyhucul.fr.

9 min
The Little Fish Land Domain in Civrieux welcomes you for a playful initiation to fishing (starting at age 3) and provides all equipment. The site also includes: a miniature farm, paper-chases, nature trails…
Plus d'informations https://www.facebook.com/littlefishland.

Have a good time with family or friends around a petanque! Lots of balls are available at the hotel reception.

Our fitness room is open every day from 7:00 am to 11:00 pm.

Tennis & Padel
Extend your Sports experience at the Governor! All hotel guests have free access to both courts upon reservation at the reception.
Our outdoor swimming pool is heated and open from May to September, from 8:00 am to 9:00 pm.
Discover the Dombes and its ponds during a bike ride !

Picnic by our ponds
2 min
Enjoy an idyllic picnic at the Domaine du Gouverneur! Come and enjoy a unique outdoor experience by our ponds, in the heart of our nature trail. With family or friends, relax in a peaceful setting and enjoy the natural beauty that surrounds you while enjoying a delicious picnic. Our teams are happy to prepare every detail so that you have an unforgettable time. And to perfect your experience, our chef has concocted gourmet and tasty dishes especially for you.
Plus d'informations https://domainedugouverneur.fr/download_file/944/0.

Club Junior - Le Petit Gouv'
sur place
Plus d'informations https://domainedugouverneur.fr/download_file/974/0 .